On Friday, August 2nd, we’ll be hosting Mile of Music! As luck would have it, this is also International Beer Day-a festival begun by Jesse Avshalomov in 2007 and now celebrated on the first Friday of every August in over 80 countries! Unlike Fight Club, there are three rules for International Beer Day:
Rule 1) Have good beer with good friends. This one is easy, as good beer is always found at McFleshman’s and you probably brought good friends with you, but if you’re flying solo good friends are quickly made when listening to great music! One study asked beer drinkers to rate their beer and found those who were drinking with their friends rated the same beer much higher than those drinking alone. I guess the Piano man was right when he sang “sharing a drink they call loneliness…is better than drinking alone”. But I digress-back to Beer Day!

Rule 2) Celebrate those involved in brewing and serving the Beer. Again, this is easy to do at McFleshman’s given our mission statement’s first line is “We respect the beer, its history, and those who make it.” Our brewers and beer tenders are best celebrated by y’all enjoying the fruits of their labor. Speaking of fruit, we’ll have our Springloaded Radler ready for Mile of Music, which is a grapefruit infused Pilsner. (Radler is the German cousin to the British Shandy)

Rule 3) And this is my favorite rule- “To unite the world under the banner of beer, by celebrating the beers of all nations together on a single day.” At McF we’ve only got US and Europe covered in terms of beer at the moment but over the next few years we aim to branch out and try beers from different cultures. Sake from Asia (actually a beer) and honey or sorghum beer from Africa are on the horizon for us! So while we won’t have them on Friday, we can celebrate them from afar! There is so much history and culture to be learned from Beer styles and that’s part of why we do what we do—to educate ourselves on all things beer and bring it to you!
So on Friday, make your way down to McF to enjoy Mile of Music and be sure to follow the rules for International Beer Day. Who knew abiding by rules could taste so good!
P.s. we’ve got over 30 bands scheduled all four days for Mile of Music, and we’ll have food trucks on site so bring your friends! (remember rule #1)
Mile of Music: August 1-4